The Coming Gloom

It's the gloomiest time of year for Canadians and sun-loving Dorfers, literally, if not figuratively.

The first Monday of September is Canada's last bank holiday of the summer, and the unofficial end of cottages, sun tans, and patios. If you get any of those in afterwards, it feels like a gift – the fact Toronto's baseball team, the Blue Jays, are on the verge of making the playoffs makes it that much more special.

With the planned August trip to Canada postponed until Christmas, we'll be missing out on the meaningful Canadian baseball and the nihilistic patio binges that occur when we all notice the sun is setting sooner.

The Dorf is no different. There are no late summer bank holidays to tell us when the summer ends and the fall begins, but the weather has become decidedly more gloomy. The sun is setting after 9pm, as it should in these higher latitudes and I'm scorning the rain, rather than being happy with watered plants.

Fall is coming. It's going to wet and grey and it's going to feel like it will last the rest of our lives, until May. Then it will be all good again. 

Until then, here's some older shots of the Dorf in all its grey and gloomy glory!

Apocalypse Dorf

Rheinturm in the Mist

Ships passing in the fog.

The calm, grey waters of the Hafen

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