Casablanca Journal - Day 4

Three colleagues and I were sent to Casablanca for business three weeks ago. The trip lasted four days, so I kept a daily journal.This is the fourth and final day.

How Did I Get Here???
Another copywriter was supposed to go on this trip. She was grounded by her doctor after experiencing some vicious inner ear pains. On Saturday afternoon, I got an SMS informing me I was flying out early Monday morning to Casablanca.

I scrambled to prepare for the trip. Loads of laundry waited to be done and a cabin-worthy bag had to be packed. My laptop had to be fetched from the office.

I had no time to research Morocco, which was obvious after my arrival on Monday. I handed the money exchange girl some Euros and asked it to be changed into... into... I paused, realizing I did not even know the local currency. “Dirham,” she said.

Incidentally, I saw her again at a different booth today, as we were flying out. She recognized me. We had a laugh.

Business Class
In the chaos of canceled and rebooked flights over the weekend, the accounting department rushed to get find an available flight. The only space for me was in business class. That is why I am here, luxuriating with extra leg room, scribbling in my notebook, eating from a cheese plate and sipping wine.

Not a bad way to travel. An aside: I was happier during the trip than I appear in the scribble below.

WAIT! Whatever happened to the lost luggage?
Yesterday Malika and Katie received word that their luggage was left in Rome and was enroute to Casablanca. It was due to arrive at midnight, which did nothing dressing for impressing in the business meetings.

The worst part was they were both going to Croatia trip after the business trip and Katie had packed a huge suitcase for her Casablanca trip and the Croatia trip. Everything she needed was out there, somewhere, in the air.

So today, being the day of their departure, with hair curling and volumizing in the blazing Moroccan heat (remember, no hair product), they went to the airport for their 6am flight to pick it up and fly back to Budapest.

That was the plan.

The lost luggage locker was, well, locked, and there was no attendant around. With only a few feet separating them from their long last luggage, they left their luggage behind to catch their flight.

Good trip with good people: The Casablanca Crew at Rick's.
 Photo by Arnold

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