Weather Small Talk and a Mispronunciation Anecdote

In my last post I wrote about the challenges of correctly pronouncing some of the Hungarian consonant combos. I’m not alone in these difficulties.

One of my expatriate colleagues was touring around the Castle District area and wanted to find the Sikló, which is a cable rail car that runs on the side of Castle Hill.

Unable to find it, she asked a guard where the sikló is, which should sound like shikloo but came out of her mouth as chikloo, or csikló, the Hungarian word for clitoris. So she asked the guard where the clitoris is.

In other news, spring is here. The sun has been shining, we have been enjoying T-shirt weather and outdoor beers have been imbibed. It still gets cold in the evening, but the warm weather has raised my spirits. The last couple of weeks have been exciting, with plenty of material for blog posts, I have have to get around to writing them.

Also, the first contingent of Canadian visitors is arriving this weekend. I’m excited, but also nervous about hosting in Budapest. So come visit Canadian friends, I'm sure I'll get the hang of hosting as more people visit.

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