The Astute Commute

A confession. Last night, as I was finishing an amazing post for the blog, I somehow deleted the word file. So I'm posting a quick update while I try to recreate that blogpost's amazing-ness from memory. I hope this post is some recompense while you wait for me to weigh in on, wait for it, vegetables in the next post.

I'm taking the metro (the subway, as my Toronto brethren call it) less frequently to work and have been making the trek over the Danube River to catch the tram more frequently. It's the scenic route, since it adds five to ten minutes more to the commute, but it's a rewarding trip.

Consider this: I make a daily routine out of strolling past the Banks of the Danube, which is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The tram line runs along the Danube, then cuts behind Castle Hill to the metro station near my office. So, during my commute, when I look out the window I'm treated to riverside views of the city and the old palace. Not a raw deal, methinks.

The ride is a bit too bumpy to risk taking low quality photos, but here's one from my walk over the bridge. It's like caffeine for the, no, it's still not quite like caffeine, but it is breathtaking (note the tram I just missed, drat!).

Then I get to see things on the tram-ride home that look beautiful even in last night's rain (apologies for the not so good cellphone photo quality, you will have to use your imagination):

Anyhow, it's much more incredible to behold in person and so much easier on the eyes than a train ride underground.

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