Potty Talk in Hungarian

I have a Budapest apartment. This means I am officially no longer some duffel bag nomad living in a hotel.

I'm feeling great right now. Although that feeling fades a bit when I consider my apartment-finding-ordeal, but that blog post is coming.

But I want to discuss something else.

Some Hungarian bathrooms are different. Here, you do not take care of your toilet business in the same room you wash up in.

The toilet is in a separate room from the sink and shower/bath tub. The real estate agent said it was normal in Hungary. My new apartment is set up this way, and there hasn't been a mix-up yet.

My office’s facilities are set-up in the same manner (no showers or bath tub, sadly). You walk through an outer door into the room with the sink and mirror, then an inner door with the toilet. The inner door locks, the outer door does not

I think it’s a practical, civilized design. Why wash where you excrete things?

Now, not that I would ever do this, but what if, after your business, you sneak in a quick pep talk to yourself because it might be your first week at a new job and you're a bit stressed? And what if someone walked in through the unlock-able outer mid-pep talk?

Well, that would be embarrassing... Not that it has ever happened to me.

1 comment:

  1. Some apartments in Mexico have kind of that set up too. Only there is no outer door, which obligates you to have a fucking pristine sink since it can't be hidden...
