I've pretty much been sleeping the last few days

The hills of Buda, the Danube in the distance, and an airplane wing in the foreground. Yet another display of my groggy post-nap pre-landing photography skills

I have arrived in Budapest. Apologies for the lack of postings. Up until today I've been walking through a jet laggardly haze. 

In other news, I have started my job and don't suck at it.

Under normal circumstances a new city, new language and a new job would be an overwhelming combination for me to deal with. But I’m still a bit too tired to be completely aware of these things. Except for the language, some interesting times are ahead of me with this Hungarian language.

This will have to be a quick post since I’m still catching up in sleep, learning about a whole new set of brands and trying to remember 50 new colleague names. But! I’m looking for an apartment, and apartment hunting in a beautiful, yet formerly East Bloc city, promises to be a blog post and a half.

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