Going Hungary

I've moved out of my Toronto apartment yesterday. The day after tomorrow I fly to Budapest. Then next week I start a new copywriter job at an ad agency there.

Originally, my inaugural post on this blog was going to be about how frightened I was over not being frightened about the adventure I was undertaking. But the frantic pace of tying up the loose ends of my life here took up all my blog-writing time.

Now! Now that everything is in motion, a roiling sensation of nervous excitement is emanating from the pit of my stomach. As I triage my belongings for the fresh start over there and cram in some basic Hungarian language skills, that feeling just grows.

But based on previous adventures into elsewhere, I know it won't completely hit me until I land in Hungary (see doodle of possible reaction above). You're all panicky and excited and humbled all at once. My next post will likely be all about that.

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